Web Wizards, Significant Sites, Links
(and even ... an Award down here somewhere; thank you, Sher !)
A simple mouse click on the following will help to save a life.
(Just follow the links ...) Thank you.
It astounds me to watch my friends live through serious illness and medical trauma, yet somehow survive and even grow stronger. This site is honest, intense, a little painful ... and finally uplifting. Click on the mermaid.
Markings speaks of the symbiotic relationship between human & canine beings, specifically wolves (among others topics: philosophy, spirituality, world peace - to name only a few). You may want to hold an animal as you visit, as it will of course, relax you, relieve stress, slow your heart rate and pulse, even lower your blood pressure . (If you don't have a pet, borrow one & you'll see what I mean.)
This site is pretty amazing. The only dog ever named "Cat of the Year" by Cat Fancy magazine, this little samaritan's name is Ginny. Nicknamed "The Dog Who Rescues Cats," her story will both chill and charm you.
The following sites were my primary sources for the graphics on this site. Thank you all.
Our Parrots:
So intelligent it's hard to call them pets. They intuit our actions, sense our moods, and are as playful and joyous as children (without the diapers or college-expense 8-). My birds are completely domesticated, were hand-fed from birth and would die in the wild, though I sometimes feel guilty at keeping them 'house-bound' ...
Buffy is a brown-throat conure, rare in the U.S., our vet says. His ancestors are from the islands of Curacao and St. Thomas. He understands English and talks to my husband, and occasionally me 8-( , but is shy with strangers. Conures can live up to 40 years, so be prepared for the commitment when you buy. They have been known to mourn themselves to death upon loss of an owner. Conures are excellent pets - loving, funny, entertaining, and very strong-willed. They should begin training as babies. This is Buffy at about 2 years old - spinach is his candy.
Teeka is my sweet, whistling cockatiel. More people-oriented than Buffy, she loves to be petted and "groomed". Thanks to morning showers with 'Daddy', her feathers are long, velvety, beautiful. She is gentle but needs a lot of petting and one-on-one interaction to stay well-adjusted. Cockatiels are small and usually excellent "starter birds," if they are hand-fed as babies and used to a human touch. Visit the American Cockatiel Society for more information.
An excellent site for serious 'bird people' is The Pet Bird Report (now the Companion Parrot Quarterly). Sally Blanchard, editor, is a parrot behaviorist who understands birds as though she were related to them. (I suspect she was, in another life.) I can not say enough about her empathy, her perceptions and her love for parrots.
Amy is our big burly canine 'child'. She's a firm believer that ALL humans are good (& represent love, affection & food). She is part Border Collie & part 'other'. We adopted her from the ASPCA where she was on death row, and still a puppy. I can not say this enough:
At 7 yrs old, Amy is the sweetest, most clumsy dog I've ever known. She's a dog's dog, wakes up happy / goes to bed contented, loves to play fetch with her stuffed 'squeakies', loves to investigate the world outside, enjoys everyone she meets. She is probably the most loving dog, in general, that I've ever known.
Again, For this award
Thank you Sher!
A Few important Causes:
More Animal Sites:
Comments? Questions?
Updated March 2003